
The Little Explorers

A mobile app to list or find family activities near you

project img


The Little Explorers is a mobile application developed in React Native as part of a final project for the “Web and Mobile Application Developer” bootcamp with La Capsule. This project stems from one of my needs as a mother: finding activities for my child in the surrounding villages.

Core functionalities

  • Account creation
  • Activity search with filters
  • Geolocation
  • Saving favorite activities
  • Setting user preferences in the profile
  • Management of the activities by the associations (creation, modification, deletion)

My role

I had the opportunity to pitch the idea that caught the interest of two of my classmates.
For the design, I enjoyed the process of adapting an existing theme to meet our specific needs.
On the development process, I worked on a significant portion of the code:

  • Redux store initialization
  • Authentication
  • Filter selection screen
  • User preferences management
  • Organizer profile screen & backend routes
  • Screen displaying listed activities (+edit and delete actions) & backend routes
  • Add a photo
  • Most of the design, I did my best to match all the screens to the design.

I consolidated my knowledge and I also learned a lot along the way!
And it was a very rewarding experience to see our combined efforts bring the project to life ✨.


Required skills

To complete this project, we needed the following skills:

  • Teamwork on Github
  • Create a database with MongoDB
  • Model the database with Mongoose
  • Create a back-end with Node.JS and Express.JS
  • Use an API to manage geolocation data
  • Code with React Native
  • Use expo Go to simulate the application.
  • Use Redux to manage the transit of information between components.
  • Use libraries: bcrypt, uid2, uniqid, FontAwesome, Cloudinary, moment, mongoose, node-fetch, uniqid.
  • Host images on Cloudinary
  • Deploy the application in production using Vercel for the back-end and Expo for the front-end

Source code

Backend linkFrontend link

Design and prototyping


We started by imagining a storyboard.
As we were working remotely, we sketched it out digitally.


User tests

Here are the main characteristics of potential users of our application:

  • Parents of young children or nannies
  • Looking for children activities
  • Living in a medium-sized town or village

After the creation of our storyboard, we carried out user tests with a panel of 5 people meeting our potential user criteria. Those tests provided valuable feedbacks. Hover the card to visualize how we addressed those pain points:

Would like pre-filling or auto-complete
  • + Geolocation request
  • + Autocomplete on addresses
Need for a secure space
  • + Use of a pseudonym
  • - Deletion of the naming fields
Is it a free or paid activity?
  • + Price info on the activity
  • + Price filter in the search
Unclear naming with the notion of “cards”
  • + Created files renamed to My activities
  • + Create renamed to List
Agenda view is useless
  • - Removal of the Agenda screen
Infos in the burger menu not very accessible
  • + Moved My Profile and My Activities screens to the bottom bar menu
  • + Moved the List an activity button to My activities


We then created wireframes based on the storyboards and made a few modifications following user testing.


Mock up

Thanks to the Figma community, we were able to use a model that corresponded well to our project and adapt it to our needs. This enabled us to get a nice design without spending too much time on it, and to devote ourselves fully to development.


Project management

Quick mental outline of the project

Before designing a sprint backlog, I took the screens one by one to identify all the tasks to be completed.


Projects backlog

It was then easier to divide the user stories into sub-tasks and prioritize them in relation to each other.
We used Trello to divide up the tasks and track their progress.




What gave me the most trouble was managing a conflict between displaying the keyboard when selecting an input field and displaying the “Register” button on the account creation page. I finally got it right on iPhone, but not on Android.

It was a headache trying to align the way the application worked on an Android phone with that of an Apple phone. Particularly for keyboard positioning and pin selection on the map. We had to choose between the two. As I was in charge of the styling, we chose to do a great job on iPhone because I have one.

Also, modifying the style of the material top tabs navigator was not easy. I couldn't figure out how to do it. I read the docs over and over again but what finally helped me was... ChatGPT.

Lessons learned

The keys to our project's success were communication and mutual support. During those two weeks, we'd do an early-morning and an early-afternoon review, and we'd take the time to help each other out when one of us got stuck for too long. I also realized that going through fast crapy code is a great way to understand the importance of clean code.

What I would do differently

Looking back, now that I've learned more stuff about React or MongoDB, I would:

  • Use $geonear in MongoDB. It outputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point.
  • Filter activies on the front-end instead of the back-end. This would have simplified our back-end and the user experience would have been more reactive.
  • Add personalized hooks for data fetching, geolocation & autocomplete.
  • Use a form state object instead of several states.